Breast Health

Get breast screening services when and where you need them.

Mammograms and other routine breast health checks are important for your overall well-being and can even help save your life. The screening and diagnostic breast imaging procedures at Novant Health provide you and your healthcare team with powerful tools for detecting breast conditions, including breast cancer.

The skilled breast specialists at Novant Health Imaging have advanced training in breast imaging and are certified in mammography. Our programs have accreditation from the American College of Radiology.

Imaging services
Find a Breast Center Near You

Breast conditions

Your breasts change often during your lifetime, especially between adolescence and menopause. Many people experience the following in their breasts at some point:

  • Lumps
  • Drainage
  • Sensitivity
  • Cysts
  • Mastitis

Talk to your primary care provider (PCP) or ob-gyn to help determine if what you're experiencing is due to a normal change in your body or if you need screening for breast conditions. Your PCP or ob-gyn will listen to your concerns and determine the right breast screening and — if needed — treatment for you.

Routine breast screenings

Regular self-examinations, breast exams by your doctor, and scheduled mammograms — along with a healthy lifestyle — are your first and best defense against illnesses like breast cancer.

These exams can help detect problems early, when it is most easy to treat them. Work with your care team to make sure you're doing all your routine screenings when recommended.

A young woman is pulling her hair back while looking at herself in the mirror.

Self breast exams

Routine breast self-examinations make you familiar with how your breasts normally feel to help you more easily notice changes when they appear.

A nurse is leaning over talking with a senior woman patient.

Clinical breast exams

Make sure a breast exam is a part of your annual physical. Share with your provider any changes you've noticed in your breasts since your last exam.

The Importance of Mammograms

Getting a mammogram is one of the easiest, yet most important, steps you can take to protect your breast health. Did you know you can schedule your routine screening mammogram online in minutes, without a referral from your doctor?

Use the following links to view locations near you and choose a convenient date and time for your mammogram. (Patients in the Wilmington area can conveniently schedule using MyChart.) Many locations offer extended hours, making it easy for you to take control of your health.

Woman having a mammography examination at a clinic with a female technician.

Diagnostic breast imaging

When you might need specialized breast imaging

Reach out to your doctor if have not had a breast exam in two years, or if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Clear, red, or bloody fluid from your nipple
  • A lump in your breast or an enlargement of a lump that was previously diagnosed
  • Redness or puckering of the skin on your breast
  • An indentation or flattening of your nipple
  • New or unexplained symptoms develop in your breasts

If you are experiencing these, or based on findings from your routine annual screenings, your care team may refer you for additional diagnostic exams like the following.

A health care provider is assisting a woman as she is laying down with her arms above her head in an imaging machine.

Diagnostic imaging made convenient

If your care team has recommended advanced imaging to see if you have a condition needing further treatment, learn more about how to schedule your imaging appointment, how to prepare for your appointment, and more.

Expect inclusive care.

Everyone deserves to feel comfortable getting the care they need, including breast screenings at the recommended times. Our commitment to health equity helps ensure all patients, families, communities, and team members receive high-quality, compassionate care and services when and where they need them.
