Schedule with a Hand Specialist today
We can usually accommodate same day or next day appointments. Call 854-429-4263 now to check availability or use our online scheduling tool.
What to expect at your visit
On your first visit, you should expect our hand doctors and orthopedic specialists to treat you like family! Our front desk staff will check you into to ask you a few questions about why you are seeking care for, and to get brief medical history and vital signs. Your hand surgeon will then join you to get a thorough history of your hand problem(s) and perform a physical examination.
What to bring
Be sure to dress comfortably, preferably in loose clothing where the arm can be easily exposed or sleeves can be rolled all the way up above the elbow. You will want to have the following with you:
- Up-to-date insurance information
- Copies of any relevant prior medical records
- A list of medications you are taking
- X-rays, nerve studies, lab reports, or other information if you have it available.
Some patients find it helpful to write a list of questions prior to their appointment.
Accepted insurance
In an effort to sustain excellence in medical care for our patients, we have implemented the following payment guidelines:
- Co-pay, co-insurance and deductible payments are required on the day and time in which services are rendered
- Credit card payments are accepted (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express)
New patients are accepted with the following insurance plans and payment options:
- Medicare, Medicaid, Worker’s Compensation
- Absolute Total Care/Carolina Crescent
- Aetna
- BlueCross/BlueShield (All products and plans)
- Carolina Care Plan/Premier Health Group
- Cigna
- Humana
- Golden Rule
- Multiplan/PHCS
- Select Health
- Tricare
- Unison Health Plans
- United Healthcare
- Wellpath/Coventry (First Health/Wellpath/Coventry National Network)
Please note, some plans require prior-authorization and it is the patient responsibility to obtain this prior to date of appointment. You should contact your health plan for the most current information regarding your benefits.
If you do not see your insurance plan on the list above, please contact our office at 854-429-4263 to find out whether or not your health insurance plan can be accepted at our practice.