Amanda Teachey, PharmD, BCCCP
PGY1 Residency Program Director
Rotation(s): Emergency Medicine
Rotation Description: The emergency medicine rotation allows the resident to ensure safe and effective medication use for all patients in the department, which includes the adult emergency department, emergency admissions unit, and emergency behavioral health unit. During the rotation, residents will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to treat both emergent and non-emergent patients. Activities include, but are not limited to: emergency response, patient profile review, ED culture review, answering drug information questions, patient and team education, and meeting attendance.
Email: alteachey@novanthealth.org

Robert Crawford III, PharmD, BCIDP, AAHVIP
PGY1 Residency Program Coordinator
Rotation(s): Infectious Diseases
Rotation Description: Residents will be able to continue developing expertise in the field of Infectious Diseases by completing antimicrobial stewardship activities at a tertiary care facility and multiple acute care centers within the Novant Health system. Residents will engage with a variety different kinds of providers, learn about different types of infections, tackle resistance patterns, and collaborate with multiple preceptors to help care for patients. Other opportunities include leading topic discussions, journal clubs, and medication reviews to improve communication skills and knowledge base.
Email: robert.crawford@novanthealth.org

Bria Benson, PharmD, BCIDP
Rotation(s): Infectious Diseases
Rotation Description: Residents will be able to continue developing expertise in the field of Infectious Diseases by completing antimicrobial stewardship activities at a tertiary care facility and multiple acute care centers within the Novant Health system. Residents will engage with a variety of providers, learn about different types of infections, tackle resistance patterns, and collaborate with multiple preceptors to help care for patients. Other opportunities include leading topic discussions, journal clubs, and medication reviews to improve communication skills and knowledge base.
Email: bmbenson@novanthealth.org
Emily Chang, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine
Email: echang@novanthealth.org

Laura Coles, PharmD, BCCCP
Rotation(s): Surgical Services, Gastroenterology
Rotation Description: The surgery rotation consists of 4-6 weeks in surgical services at Forsyth Medical Center, and may also involve surgery support for other hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers across Novant Health. While on rotation, the resident will work in conjunction with the clinical pharmacy specialist to serve as point person for any surgery related pharmacy issues. The primary responsibility is ensuring pharmaceutical needs are met for each patient on the surgery service. Support is provided to order verification and core clinical pharmacists, nurses and providers. Other responsibilities include attending multidisciplinary rounds, assisting with the management of drug shortages and formulary management, involvement in surgical services policy development, and attending surgery service line meetings. Throughout the rotation, the resident will progressively take on the responsibilities of the preceptor. The preceptor will directly mentor the resident initially, and continue to facilitate learning as the resident progresses in ability.
Email: l.coles@novanthealth.org
Lauren Cooper, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine
Email: lauren.cooper@novanthealth.org

Amanda Edwards, PharmD, BCOP, CPP
Rotation(s): Hematology/Oncology, Transplant and Cellular Therapy
Rotation Description: Oncology is an elective rotation comprised of multiple different services including malignant hematology and medical oncology. The resident will have the opportunity to interact with the interdisciplinary care teams daily and manage complex patient populations via clinical review and order verification. Additionally, the resident will participate in topic discussions ranging from oncologic emergencies to malignancies such as acute myeloid leukemia and small cell lung cancer.
Email: akedwards@novanthealth.org
Abby Harris, PharmD
Rotation(s): Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery
Rotation Description: Residents will provide coverage for the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit and related step-down unit. Strong focus will be placed on advanced understanding of invasive hemodynamic monitoring. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: optimizing medication therapy, pharmacokinetic monitoring, providing drug information and education to the healthcare team, and assistance with order set and policy development within service lines. Throughout the rotation, the preceptor will directly mentor the resident, and continue to facilitate learning as the resident develops autonomy.
Email: abby.harris@novanthealth.org

Jeremy Hodges, RPh, BCPS, BCCCP, CPP
Rotation(s): Medical/Surgical Intensive Care
Rotation Description: As a member of our advanced pharmacy practice model, residents will provide comprehensive care to patients in a 30-bed ICU. Services include interdisciplinary rounding, pharmacokinetic and renal dosing, protocol assessment, and documentation of recommendations in the medical record. The resident will attend meetings to improve care through protocol development and health care outcomes assessment, and will provide drug information to providers and patients, and to train other learners. The goal for the resident is to independently perform the duties of the clinical specialist by the end of the learning experience.
Email: jhodges@novanthealth.org

Tanner Hoke, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Orientation
Email: thoke@novanthealth.org

Ryan Kammer, PharmD, CPP, BCPS
Rotation(s): Cardiology
Rotation Description: The Acute Care Cardiology rotation consists of 4-6 weeks in the 24-bed cardiac ICU. The open unit provides exposure to a wide variety of critically ill patients. The clinical pharmacy team is responsible for optimizing medication therapy and providing drug information to healthcare providers and patients. Activities may include order verification, medication dosing and management, multidisciplinary rounding, ACLS participation, precepting exposure, service line meeting and project involvement, etc. Throughout the rotation, the resident will progressively take on the responsibilities of the preceptor.
Email: rtkammer@novanthealth.org

Peter Keddis, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine
Rotation Description: The internal medicine rotation is designed to immerse the resident in the clinical care of medical-surgical. The resident will work alongside the clinical pharmacy specialist to care for assigned patients, and will participate in geographical rounding for their assigned unit. The resident will work with physicians, nurses, dieticians, case management, social work and other pharmacists for the care of patients on this rotation. The resident will become proficient in the integrated model of caring for patients; this includes pharmacokinetic and warfarin consults as well as other clinical activities such as renal dose adjustments and discharge counseling. The resident will work on providing high-quality, evidence-based recommendations to providers and nursing staff, and will be challenged to learn through primary literature and apply it to patients.
Email: pkeddis@novanthealth.org

William McDaniel, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): General Cardiology
Rotation Description: The general cardiology rotation is designed to immerse the resident in the clinical care of cardiac patients on the cardiac telemetry units. The resident will work alongside the clinical pharmacist to care for their assigned patients. The resident will participate in geographical rounding for their assigned unit. The resident will work with physicians, nurses, dieticians, case managers, social workers, disease state navigators, and other pharmacists for the care of patients on this rotation. The resident will become proficient in the integrated model of care of patients for the assigned unit.
Email: wmcdaniel@novanthealth.org

Amilda Medina, PharmD
Rotation(s): Service leadership
Email: amilda.medina@novanthealth.org
Prachi Patel, PharmD
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine
Email: prachi.patel@novanthealth.org

Heather Powell, PharmD, BCPS, BCEMP
Rotation(s): Emergency Medicine
Rotation Description: During evening Emergency Medicine (EM) rotations, the resident will take on the role of the EM pharmacist in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team to provide care for both emergent and non-emergent patients. Residents will have the opportunity to respond to all medical emergencies including but not limited to: strokes, STEMIs, cardiac arrests and rapid sequence intubations. Additional activities will include: profile review to optimize medication therapy, Emergency Department (ED) culture review, answering drug information questions, patient education, order verification, system list review, attending ED committee meetings, topic discussions and providing team member education.
Email: hrpowell@novanthealth.org
Dawud Rasheed, PharmD, BCCCP
Rotation(s): Neonatal ICU
Email: darasheed@novanthealth.org

Christina Roels, PharmD, BCPS, CPP, BCCCP
Rotation(s): Neurocritical Care/Neurology
Rotation Description: Neurocritical Care/Neurology is an elective rotation at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center. The service includes the Neuro-ICU, neurosciences floor, and outpatient stroke bridge clinic. The resident typically covers one of the four rounding services. The pharmacist/resident on service are an integral part of the patient care team. The pharmacist/resident participates in daily bedside rounds with the team and helps form safe, effective medication plans for patients to improve outcomes. The pharmacist/resident on service provides all clinical pharmacist functions for the unit. In conjunction with patient care, the resident will learn fundamental guidelines and literature to support medication decisions in this specialty area.
Email: croels@novanthealth.org
Miyuki Shouse, PharmD, BCPPS
Rotation(s): Neonatal ICU
Rotation Description: The Neonatal ICU rotation is an elective 4-6 week rotation in the 56 bed Level IIIb NICU. The neonatal care team consists of neonatologists, neonatal nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pediatric residents, neonatology fellows, medical students, dieticians, respiratory therapists, nurses, and pharmacists. The clinical pharmacist on the team is responsible for ensuring each patient admitted to the service receives safe and effective medication therapy. The clinical pharmacist provides drug information to all staff as necessary, and is the lead pharmacist on the Women's Services team. The pharmacist attends interdisciplinary rounds, Best Practice committee meetings, Joint Practice meetings, and contributes to policy development within the NICU. The pharmacist assists with corporate neonatal guideline and protocol management and is a Corporate NICU Team Member.
Email: mnshouse@novanthealth.org

Katherine Sims, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP
Rotation(s): Orientation, Service Leadership
Email: kcsims@novanthealth.org
Supporting Preceptors
Infectious Diseases:
Kiet (Anthony) Nguyen, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCIDP
Email: kznguyen@novanthealth.org
Critical Care/Neurology:
Stephan Olson, PharmD
Email: solson@novanthealth.org
Stasia Thompson, PharmD, BCPS
Email: sethompson@novanthealth.org
Shelby Hudson, PharmD, BCPS
Email: Shelby.hudson@novanthealth.org
Samantha Benvie, PharmD, BCCP
Email: sbenvie@novanthealth.org
Baily Coble, PharmD, BCPS
Email: ecoble@novanthealth.org
Karissa Welter, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP
Email: kwelter@novanthealth.org
Practice Management Preceptors
Rachel Bagg, PharmD, BCPS
Pharmacy Supervisor
Email: rsbagg@novanthealth.org
Brittany Fear, PharmD
Pharmacy Supervisor
Email: bsfear@novanthealth.org
Adam Szabat, PharmD
Pharmacy Supervisor
Email: aszabat@novanthealth.org
Nate Russell, PharmD, MBA, MS, BCPS
Pharmacy Manager
Email: nhrussell@novanthealth.org
Rotation Description: The primary purpose of this rotation is for the resident to gain exposure to a variety of leadership and administrative aspects of pharmacy practice. The rotation will focus on applying management principles while observing department and hospital policy and procedures. Rotation experiences may also include budget management of personnel, drug inventory and the overall practice of pharmacy at the facility or health-system level.
IV Pharmacy Operations Preceptors
Timothy Angle, PharmD, BCPS
Email: tangle@novanthealth.org
Abby Link, PharmD
Email: ralink@novanthealth.org
Jill Smitherman, RPh
Email: jmsmitherman@novanthealth.org
Rotation Description: The primary purpose of this rotation is for residents to gain experience working with sterile compounded products while incorporating themselves into the daily workflow of an IV room pharmacy. The IV room at Forsyth Medical Center produces sterile compounded products for all of FMC, as well as off-site locations such as Forsyth Outpatient Surgery Center, Hawthorne Surgery Center, and Medical Park Hospital. Throughout the rotation, the resident will work with pharmacists and technicians to gain knowledge and proficiency in producing and dispensing inpatient and outpatient infusions and chemotherapy, as well as parenteral nutrition for both adult and neonatal patients. Once oriented to the IV room workflow, the resident will begin to take on the responsibilities of the preceptor.