On-Site Health Services
Bring the remarkable patient experience your employees deserve directly to them.
By making quality medical services available in your workplace with Novant Health Employer Solutions, you can help remove barriers to care and save your employees valuable time and money. Novant Health's compassionate providers are committed to serving your employees’ unique needs with next-level remarkable care.
Quick & easy access to essential care
We will customize your on-site care offerings based on the needs of your workforce. Options can also include lab services, health coaching, and exclusive wellness events just for your employees.
On-site wellness centers
When you set up an on-site wellness center, an experienced medical professional from Novant Health's trusted network will be on hand to provide a range of important medical services to your employees. Knowing that friendly, expert care is just around the corner in the workplace should they feel unwell or get a minor injury at work without the time, expense and hassle of finding a provider, leaving work, and traveling to a clinic can relieve stress and improve well-being.
If the on-site clinician prescribes your employee a medication during their visit, they can pick up a small dose of that medication at work. This will allow them to finish their workday (if advisable) and go to their pharmacy to fill the remainder of the prescription when convenient for them.
Enhance employee recruitment, retention, & health
Learn how FOCUS Broadband, a non-profit co-op telecommunications provider in southeastern North Carolina, has experienced transformative benefits from the onsite medical services provided by Novant Health Employer Services. The cost-saving onsite clinic makes health and well-being services convenient and affordable for all team members, both full and part time — and their families.
Dedicated service every step of the way
We’re passionate about improving your workforce by building trust and establishing innovative, long-lasting partnerships. That's why when you choose Novant Health Employer Solutions, you'll have access to your own dedicated relationship manager every step of the way. Your relationship manager will answer your questions and coordinate customized solutions for your specific business needs.