Cardiovascular Conditions

Nationally recognized for cardiovascular care

Thanks to the skills and leadership of our clinicians, Novant Heath has been helping raise the bar for heart and vascular care for decades.

Take the First Step

If you believe you are at risk for heart disease, it’s time to take the first step in improving your cardiac health. Visit your primary care provider to discuss your heart health to see if you need a referral to one of our heart specialists. If you do not have a primary care provider, follow the steps below to get started:


Step 1:
Visit your Primary
Care Provider


Step 2:
Discuss your


Step 3:
Your provider gives
a referral

heart & vascular

Step 4:
Choose the right
specialist for you

Heart and Vascular Conditions We Treat

Woman sitting in bed drinking a glass of water as she takes medication.
Adult Congenital Heart Disease

Some people are born with heart defects. These may resolve over time but can also cause health issues in adulthood.

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Dr. Michael is in a exam room with a patient. The patient is lying down on the exam table as Dr. Michael places his stethoscope on their neck to listen.
Aortic Aneurysms

Injury, infection or a weakening of your aorta can lead to swelling in the aorta's wall, called an aneurysm. If it ruptures, it can be life-threatening.

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Novant Health nurse is in a clinic exam room with a patient. The nurse is wearing a stethoscope prepared to listen to the patient's heart but smiles as the patient is talking.
Arrhythmia & Atrial Fibrillation

An arrhythmia is an abnormal heartbeat – that's too fast, too slow or irregular. Arrhythmias can affect how blood flows to the rest of your body, resulting in organ damage or stroke.

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Dr. Thompson is in a clinic exam room with a patient. She is wearing a stethoscope and places it on the patients neck to listen.
Carotid Artery Disease

Carotid artery disease is a narrowing of one or both arteries in your neck that provide oxygenated blood to your brain. The narrowing, due to cholesterol and plaque buildup, increases your risk of stroke and is also referred to as “carotid artery stenosis.”

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Patient and nurse are in an exam room. The nurses' hands are gloved, as they place a sensor on the patient's finger tip.
Coronary Artery Disease

The coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to your heart. Narrowing of these arteries due to plaque buildup can lead to coronary artery disease and is a leading cause of heart attacks in the US.

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Senior man is home sitting on his bed. In discomfort, he grabs and holds his chest.
Heart Attack

A heart attack is a life-threatening medical emergency. If you or someone with you is having a heart attack, call 911 immediately. By learning how to recognize the warning signs of a heart attack, you may be able to help someone until emergency personnel arrive.

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A woman is undergoing cancer treatment as a nurse stands in front of her. In support, the nurse rests her hand on the patients arm.
Heart Disease and Cancer

Cancer treatment can sometimes cause damage to the heart and blood vessels or worsen existing conditions. Our cardio-oncology team can protect your heart while you fight cancer.

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A Novant Health Registered Nurse is sitting at the bedside of a patient talking as they both prepare for surgery.
Heart Failure

This condition, also referred to as “congestive heart failure,” occurs when your heart can't pump blood well enough to keep your organs healthy.

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Novant Health nurse team member is standing in bedside in a patients recovery room. She smiles as she listens to the patient talk.
Heart Valve Disease

Heart valves control blood flow from your atria (upper heart chambers) to your ventricles (lower heart chambers) and out to your aorta and the pulmonary artery. Diseases of these valves can adversely affect your heart, lungs and other organs.

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Dr. Campbell is sitting with a patient in their recovery room. With his stethoscope he listens to the patient's heart.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

This condition is characterized by the thickening or stiffening of the heart muscle. It's most common in the wall (septum) between the left and right ventricles (lower heart chambers), making it difficult for your heart to pump blood effectively.

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Nurse and patient are sitting across from each other in a clinic exam room. The nurse holds and positions the patients hands to check for their pulse.
Vascular Disease

Vascular disorders affecting your arteries, veins, capillaries and blood can interfere with the circulation of blood through your body.

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Best-case scenario: early detection

The earlier you discover you have heart disease, or a heart disorder, the sooner you can take steps to eliminate, reduce or slow its effects.

Your primary care provider can get you started by using your medical and family history to create a plan for regular screenings that will help identify issues before they become more difficult to treat.

Heart and vascular diagnostic imaging tests

The specialists at Novant Health offer the latest diagnostic and screening tests, including:

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening
  • Cardiac calcium scoring
  • Echocardiograms
  • Electrocardiology studies
  • Electrophysiology studies
  • Intravascular ultrasound
  • Invasive cardiac testing
  • Nuclear imaging
  • Radiographic testing

"Remarkable You" health screening events

Novant Health holds health screening events regularly where you can learn more about keeping your heart healthy and discover your own personal "numbers" — the ones that can predict your risk for chronic heart disease.

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Who can help manage your cardiovascular health?

Primary care

At Novant Health, your primary care provider plays the lead role in helping you prevent heart and vascular disease. If they determine you are at risk for either, they can recommend lifestyle changes and prescribe medications to prevent or delay the onset of a chronic condition.

Find a Primary Care Provider

Cardiologists: Your heart care specialists

If you have symptoms of heart disease, your primary care provider may refer you to one of our general cardiologists for further assessment and diagnosis. Your cardiologist can:

  • Order more specific diagnostic and screening tests
  • Provide a second opinion
  • Refer you to a cardiac rehabilitation program
  • Refer you to an interventional cardiologist for minimally invasive procedures
  • Refer you to an electrophysiologist for evaluation and treatment of an irregular heartbeat
  • Refer you to a cardiothoracic or vascular surgeon for minimally invasive or traditional (open-heart) procedures
  • Provide follow-up care after surgery or emergency room treatment

Find a General Cardiologist

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MyNovant app

With the MyNovant app, it's never been easier to manage your health. You can schedule appointments, view test results, refill prescriptions and even have virtual visits right from your computer or smartphone. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play.