Heart Surgery
Extensive surgical options for keeping your heart healthy
The heart surgeons at Novant Health offer an extensive range of surgical options for repairing your heart, from routine open heart bypass surgery to less invasive procedures that reduce your hospital stay and speed your recovery.
Take the First Step
If you believe you are at risk for heart disease, it’s time to take the first step in improving your cardiac health. Visit your primary care provider to discuss your heart health to see if you need a referral to one of our heart specialists. If you do not have a primary care provider, follow the steps below to get started:
Step 1:
Visit your Primary
Care Provider
Step 2:
Discuss your
Step 3:
Your provider gives
a referral
Step 4:
Choose the right
specialist for you

Excellence in heart surgery
We consistently receive the American Heart Association Gold Plus rating for our outstanding dedication to improving quality of care for cardiovascular patients and reducing recovery times and hospital readmissions.
Pioneers of less invasive surgery
Our heart surgeons are pioneering less invasive procedures so more patients can recover faster with less pain, blood loss or risk of infection, scarring or readmission. Novant Health was among the first in the country approved to offer transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR).
World-class facilities and staff
Our heart surgery programs include dedicated operating suites, intensive care and intermediate care units in some of the nation’s safest hospitals, along with critical care nurses specially trained in caring for cardiac surgery patients.
Open Heart Surgery
Routine, Hospital-Based Procedures
During open-heart surgery your surgical care team cuts through your sternum and separates your ribs so they can reach your heart and/or connecting vessels. These are routine surgeries with low risk of complications but are major operations that require a hospital stay of a week or more. Depending on your health, it may be your best option.
Less Invasive Surgeries
Fewer Risks, Faster Recovery
If you need surgery to treat heart valve disease or arterial fibrillation, your surgeon may consider whether you are a good candidate for a less invasive procedure. Because they don’t involve opening your chest, they reduce blood loss and risk of infection, enable you to leave the hospital sooner and recover faster with less pain and scarring.