South Carolina Non-Novant Health Workers

Compliance/regulatory & patient safety education requirements

New workers


When you first join Novant Health, you must complete the required orientation and medication safety education based on your job role prior to starting your services. When you complete a course, print and save the paperwork (i.e., completion certificate). You will need to provide a copy to your supervisor as proof of your completion of this education through the following link:

Non-Novant Health worker orientation for South Carolina Region

Medication safety education

Choose the medication safety module that is appropriate for your job duties. If you:

Current workers: annual mandatory education

During the first year you join Novant Health, your orientation course covers your annual mandatory education (AME) requirements. However, you are required to complete the annual mandatory education and medication safety course every year after your new hire year — based on your job role — to remain compliant with policies and procedures.

Print and save the paperwork when you complete a course (i.e., completion certificate). You will need to provide a copy to your supervisor as proof of your completion of this education.

Annual mandatory education

If your job:

Medication safety education

Choose the medication safety module that is appropriate for your job duties. If you:

First, Do No Harm education (all workers)

All non-Novant Health workers must take the following patient safety education to be in compliance with our patient safety initiative: First, Do No Harm (FDNH).

First Do No Harm course

Additional First, Do No Harm education for providers

Additional requirements

Complete this education if required by your Novant Health manager.

Food & nutrition services fire response procedures training