Appointment location
1381 Westgate Center Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(336) 718-0100Existing patients, use your patient portal to schedule.
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1381 Westgate Center Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(336) 718-0100Existing patients, use your patient portal to schedule.
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Winston-Salem, NC 27103
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Winston-Salem, NC 27103
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Internal Medicine
1381 Westgate Center Drive,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
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Book NowAbout Me
- English
What I Treat
Areas of focus
- Internal Medicine
My Medical Background
Healthcare Education
Wake Forest University (2015)
Board certifications
- Physician Assistant
Years of experience
9 years of experience
Insurance Details
Before your appointment, verify with your insurance provider that this Novant Health location accepts your coverage. Some insurance plans may not be accepted at certain Novant Health locations where this provider is on staff.
We recommend you contact the clinic before your appointment with any additional insurance questions.
Ratings by Category
Verified patient
Dec 2024The Novant staff was great. The staff let my wife and daughter come to the exam -I had brain surgery and wasn’t sure I could remember all my questions and remember the answers. Thanks for being attentive and through!!
Verified patient
Dec 2024The people at this location are very professional and the nicest! I look forward to a long health care relationship.
Verified patient
Dec 2024The PA and staff were great. Had X-ray at 8:30am on Friday and it’s 7pm Saturday and I still don’t have the results on my chart- not read yet I guess by radiology. This seems a little long since we are trying to see if my kidney stone is too big to pass. X-ray was done because CT scan couldn’t be done until Monday.
Verified patient
Dec 2024The practitioner I saw was caring, thoughtful and listened. She was patient and incredibly diligent to resolve a problem I have had for more than 2 years. Wonderful bedside manner and I am most appreciative of being heard and working towards a resolution.
Verified patient
Nov 2024I was extremely pleased with my experience from making the appointment to to a very caring nurse and doctor. Thank you so much!
Our Ratings Process
Reviews are only displayed for Novant Health team members who have accumulated 30 or more patient surveys in a 12 month period. Patient surveys are not collected from patients seen at an urgent care, emergency room or behavioral health clinic.
Wheelchair accessible
1381 Westgate Center Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Phone: 336-718-0100
Fax: 336-718-0120