Appointment location
1401 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 200
Matthews, NC 28105
(704) 384-6901Existing patients, use your patient portal to schedule.
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See who's nearbyAppointment location
1401 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 200
Matthews, NC 28105
(704) 384-6901Existing patients, use your patient portal to schedule.
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Book NowAbout Me
- English
What I Treat
- Internal Medicine
My Medical Background
Medical school
East Carolina University (1994)
Internal Medicine - Carolinas Medical Center (1997)
Board certifications
- Internal Medicine
Years of experience
19+ years of experience
Insurance Details
Before your appointment, verify with your insurance provider that this Novant Health location accepts your coverage. Some insurance plans may not be accepted at certain Novant Health locations where this provider is on staff.
We recommend you contact the clinic before your appointment with any additional insurance questions.
Ratings by Category
Verified patient
Jan 2025I love first charlotte physicians. Dr. Owens is awesome. Couldn’t ask for better
Verified patient
Dec 2024I inadvertently used the ladies room right before the exam - wish the med asst told me that a urine specimen was going to be needed at the end of the appt but that’s a really small complaint. Dr Owens is exemplary! Special shout out to the two ladies in the lab who were so kind, so painless with the blood draw, and so accommodating when I had a slow go providing enough urine to test. They made it work!! Front desk staff always so good as well.
Verified patient
Dec 2024It was GREAT!
Verified patient
Dec 2024Everyone is always smiling and helpful. Dr Owen’s is always explains my questions very thoroughly. She has been my primary physician for 17 years. She is attentive, caring and interested in me. I trust her.
Verified patient
Dec 2024The wait time upon entering was perfect. Much improved from past visits. However, I still had to wait longer than I prefer for doc to enter exam room. It’s awkward to sit naked for 30 minutes waiting for them to enter. I suppose this might be normal and I appreciate the time and attention given, so I don’t want to complain too much. I know doctors are busy people.
Our Ratings Process
Reviews are only displayed for Novant Health team members who have accumulated 30 or more patient surveys in a 12 month period. Patient surveys are not collected from patients seen at an urgent care, emergency room or behavioral health clinic.
Wheelchair accessible
1401 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite 200
Matthews, NC 28105
Phone: 704-384-6901
Fax: 704-384-6902