Specimen Collection
New Hanover Regional Medical Center Lab Services accepts complete valid orders from both affiliated and unaffiliated provider locations. We accept specimens from both providers and patients.
Be sure to follow all lab order and specimen collection instructions carefully — as outlined on this page — to avoid delays or a rejected test.
Are you a patient?
Lab order requirements
Are you a provider? Here's what you need to know about ordering lab testing with Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center lab services.
Verify patient identity.
Be sure to verify the patient’s identity for every collection with at least two patient identifiers. The identifiers on your lab order form and the specimen(s) collection must match. Acceptable patient identifiers include:
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Social security number (if applicable)
Identify & label specimens correctly.
To reduce the risk of error, properly label and uniquely identify all specimens you submit:
- Label all specimens in the patient's presence.
- Ensure that all patient identifiers are legible.
- Include collection information on each specimen label:
- Date and time of collection
- Collector name or initials
- Microbiology and pathology specimens: specimen source
- Adhere the label to the sides of all primary specimen containers. Do not place labels on container lids.
Specimen collection instructions
Venipuncture order of draw
You must collect venipuncture specimens in the appropriate tubes and in the proper order:
- Blood cultures
- Red
- Light blue
- Yellow
- Light/dark green
- Lavender/pink
- Gray
- Dark blue
Collection examples
The following tiles provide a few examples of the lab tests you might collect with each type of specimen container. However, these lists do not include all possible tests for each container. Please refer to the test menu to review all tests we accept and their respective requirements.
Patient service center locations
Wilmington & surrounding areas
Submit completed samples to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Lab Services patient service center location nearest you. Our skilled team will take care of the rest.
Reasons a specimen may be rejected
The following are examples of reasons we may have to reject your specimen:
- Quality not sufficient (QNS) — inadequate specimen volume
- Discrepancy in patient identification
- Specimen is:
- Contaminated
- Unlabeled, mislabeled, or incompletely labeled
- Unacceptable due to the test methodology requirements (hemolysis, lipemia, etc)
- Damaged (e.g., from light exposure or excessive temperature) due to improper storage, handling, transportation, or being in transit for too long before receipt
- From an unacceptable source or incorrect tube type
If we must deem a specimen unacceptable for testing, we will notify the patient and/or ordering provider. When possible, we may only process rejected specimens at the specific request of the ordering provider after you have submitted appropriate documentation.
Get in Touch.
Interested in local, quality, cost-effective laboratory testing for your facility? Submit our contact form today. We will respond within five business days to discuss solutions that meet your individual needs.